Monday, June 30, 2014

Are You a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Are you tired of unwanted hair? In the past, your only options for getting rid of this unruly hair were shaving and waxing. Both of these are inconvenient, potentially painful, and most importantly, don’t provide a long-term improvement. In recent years, laser hair removal has becomea popular treatment due to its speed, effectiveness, minimal discomfort, and great results. But is laser hair removal for everyone? How can you determine if you’re a good candidate for this treatment?
You may be a good candidate for laser hair removal if:

      ·         You have thick, dark brown or black hair.
      ·         You do not have a tan (including self-tanner).
      ·         You want a long lasting solution for drastically reducing unwanted hair.

While there may still be a few exceptions, the advances in laser hair removal technology are designed to allow anyone with dark hair achieve great results!

Want to learn more about laser hair removal? Inverness Dermatology and Laser offers laser hair removal treatment in a clean, professional clinic in Birmingham, Alabama. Learn more at

Sunday, June 15, 2014

5 Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer

In the United States alone, someone dies from skin cancer every minute. Across the world, the number of skin cancer cases is rising steadily. Skin cancer is a killer that must be taken seriously. We’re all at risk. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce your risks ofdeveloping skin cancer.
Here are 5 skin cancer prevention tips that can go a long way to keeping you safe:

1.       Stay out of tanning beds. UV light from tanning beds can cause skin cancer and wrinkles.
2.       Get in the shade when the sun is out. The sun’s harmful UV rays, which are most prevalent between 10 am and 4 pm, can do serious damage. Excessive sun exposure can lead to skin cancer.
3.       Use sunscreen. If you’re going to be out in the sun, make sure to apply sunscreen –use at minimum SPF 30—at least 15-30 minutes before going outdoors. Reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours to stay protected.
4.       Wear clothing that shields you from the sun. Long-sleeved shirts, pants, hats, and sunglasses can all protect you against excessive sun exposure.
5.       Get enough Vitamin D. A healthy diet and vitamins can help you get more Vitamin D safely.

      Inverness Dermatology and Laser offer skin cancer treatment from board certified dermatologists. Learn more at